January 23, 2007

Is there a big difference?

How different is your modern culture from the Sawi tenents?

The differences between our modern culture and the Sawi tenants seems so dramatic. Perhaps we might be boasting about how our lives are much better and 'great' compared to the the primitive civilization of the Sawi tribe. In some ways, I strongly agree with the fact that we are more civilized, but this is only based on technological, economic, law restrictions, and etc. Most of us are so accustomed to technology, transportation, and other modernized things, it's impossible to think of life without them. It's almost like an 'of course' thing for us to have internet, packaged and sanitary food, and so forth; but all of these seems to be based on the materialistic values - having or having not. So then REALLY, how much difference is there between modern culture and sawi culture?

When looking at the differences of modern culture and Sawi tenents from the surface level, obviously, things such as prized treachery, waness, and eating humans is significantly contradicting to our modern culture. We have specialized laws that gives punishment after such act as murdering or stealing. Diseases such as small pox can be easily cured in our culture, but it is a fatal disease to the Sawi people. However, when you look at the deeper level of the two cultures, there are many connections. Some of the moralistic values and instincts are from the same human nature. For example, despite our evil and corruputed nature we all have a good nature inside to us. The Sawi people may have seemed extremely violent and brutal, but when the time for giving up the peace child came, there was a soft and tender characterstic to them. Also, we might not literally kill someone for revenge, but we do in a way stab someone behind their back. Therefore, when comaring the humanistic value - being and being not - there isn't a drastic difference between us and Sawi people.


African Globe Trotters. said...

Yes sometimes our actions are just as harmful as our inaction. We may not commit "major" sins but God sees all sin as the same - so He knows our hearts and motives and by that we are judged. Mrs.Mc

Unknown said...

I agree with you that we may be similar on our fundamental levels, but I think that the more "minor" details matter as well. In that sense, the Sawi are very different from us.